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Popular Quotes

● A liar should have a good memory.
● For the mind is all the easier to teach before it is set.
● It is much easier to try one’s hand at many things than to concentrate one’s powers on one thing.
● It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate.
● Nature herself has never attempted to effect great changes rapidly.
● The mind is exercised by the variety and multiplicity of the subject matter, while the character is moulded by the contemplation of virtue and vice.
● Though ambition itself be a vice, yet it is often times the cause of virtues.
● To my mind the boy who gives least promise is one in whom the critical faculty develops in advance of the imagination.
● When defeat is inevitable, it is wisest to yield.
● Without natural gifts technical rules are useless.

Reverend Vaughan Quinn
● The only way to get positive feelings about yourself is to take positive actions. Man does not live as he thinks, he thinks as he lives.

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